Donate Options

Catholic Charities responds to the needs of individuals and families who are at the edge between poverty and basic subsistence level, struggling financially, and those who are marginalized in Northwest Indiana. We couldn’t do this without compassionate and generous partners like you who make this ministry possible.

You can make a gift that will help the most vulnerable among us by using the button below to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring contribution. You may use your credit card or have the payment come through your PayPal account.

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Monthly Giving

Make a difference all year long with a secure and automatic monthly donation and become a champion of change in the lives of others.

Your ongoing support ensures that your generous contributions will do the most good to support the mission of Catholic Charities to provide and advocate for the physical, emotional, and social needs of the poor and vulnerable in Northwest Indiana, meeting them right where they are with the help they need, and creating hope for a brighter future regardless of their religious or ethnic background.

Click here to donate now

Honor/Memorial Gifts

Honor the memory of a loved one when you make a memorial gift to Catholic Charities. Please indicate the person you are honoring and whom to notify of your generous gift and lasting tribute.

Click here to donate now

Donating to Catholic Charities can also be as effortless as shopping on-line!

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If you have ever shopped on, using Amazon Smile will provide access to the same fine merchandise and prices with the added benefit that the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of each qualifying purchase to your favorite charity: Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Gary, Inc.

If you already have an Amazon account, simply sign on to using your Amazon e-mail address and password. Then, to select your favorite charity: find the "Or pick your own charitable organization:" search field under "Select a charity". Then enter "Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Gary, Inc." and press the Search button. From the search results, select Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Gary, Inc.

If you do NOT have an Amazon account, go to the website and press the "Create an account" link. Enter your name, e-mail address and a password then press the “Create Amazon account” button. Once your account has been created, follow the instructions above to select Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Gary, Inc. as your designated charity.